Plone Security Upgrade

Quintagroup designed and implemented a hosting service environment that provides its customers with multiple layers of protection to block threats against their web-based systems, applications, and valuable business data. It starts with a secure physical environment, expanding to impenetrable firewalls and patch/hotfix management services, SSL for secure online transactions.

Level up for your business Security with Quintagroup

Today almost everyone has established his/her web presence. And we do so, we expose our business to an ever-increasing diversity of threats. It is best that we take all the possible measures to secure our business with Plone. Plone by itself tackles all common website security vulnerabilities, including unvalidated input, buffer overflows, SQL injection and prides itself to have the best security track record among the CMS representatives. Still, timely prevention and additional security layers are vital to minimize risk, ensure that sensitive data remains uncompromised and enhance overall productivity.

Quintagroup designed and implemented a hosting service environment that provides its customers with multiple layers of protection to block threats against their web-based systems, applications, and valuable business data. It starts with a secure physical environment, expanding to impenetrable firewalls and patch/hotfix management services, SSL for secure online transactions.

You can rely on our dedicated team of Plone security experts to safeguard and defend your data 24x7.

The following sections describe the web security capabilities provided by Quintagroup to keep your web systems and data secure. They are available across our Shared Servers, VPS and Cluster hosting solutions and are tailored to suite your particular business needs.

Quintagroup firewalls protect your servers from malicious activity. By taking an individual approach to configuring a firewall we enhance the security of computers connected to a network by significantly restricting the access to the website.

Complexity breeds mistakes, so avoiding unnecessary software decreases the vulnerabilities number in software on the whole. We run different network services on separate servers or VM instances. This automatically excludes a number of other services that could, otherwise, be compromised in case of security breach.

Protection against DDoS is another necessary measure we take to stop highly organized server attacks. Distributed denial-of-service attack consist in sending a large number of simultaneous requests to the hosting server to see the page and thus overloading it and disabling your service for your customers.

Quintagroup verifies that your website adheres to all the security standards and outlined security requirements conducting a battery of exhausting tests. Our team will assess whether the security policy is implemented fully and in a way it should. It is especially crucial to ensure that registered and anonymous Plone users are granted the appropriate access permissions and the custom web solutions have no security loopholes.

Immediate installation of software updates, patches and hotfixes is grave to keep the security on your Plone-based website current and strong. Patch management ensures error-free performance and repairs any vulnerabilities found by Plone Security Team. While this can be a time-consuming operation, Quintagroup experts take it upon themselves to test all new hotfixes and updates before installing them to keep your business safe and sound.

Using SSL encryption provides complete security for all parties involved in a transaction. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer that enables the most safeguarded path between the browser and web server. It is essential to have a SSL certificate when running a business website with paid services. Credit card or banking details, name, address and other personal information will remain secure.

Backups are performed automatically twice a day in order to protect your website just in case. All the backed up data is stored in a remote data center to further minimize the risk and 100% restore the valuable files.

Interested? Want to keep your business secure and trustworthy,  contact us today !

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