Plone Hosting Shared Package
Plone 2.5.2 Products:
- CMFQuickInstallerTool - a facility for comfortable activation/deactivation of CMF compliant products inside a CMF site.
- FCKeditor -brings to the web many of the powerful functionalities of known desktop editors like Word. It's really lightweight and doesn't require any kind of installation on the client computer.
- LinguaPlone - a tool to manage and maintain multilingual content that integrates seamlessly with Plone.
- Marshall - Archetypes content needs flexible representations for interacting with other systems. Marshall provides a pluggable system for getting and setting content, including a default XML system.
- PloneErrorReporting - replaces default_error_message and prefs_error_log_showEntry with pages that facilitate the submission of useful bug reports to Plone. It is designed with the goal of improving the information provided by bug reporters.
- PloneLanguageTool - allows you to set the available languages in your Plone site, select various fallback mechanisms, and control the use of flags for language selection and translations.
- PlonePopoll - Poll system for Plone
- Ploneboard - an easy to use web board. It utilizes the proven Plone user interface, and is made for easy integration into Plone sites. The target audience is businesses and developers wanting a discussion board in their Plone site.
- adsenseproduct
- qPingTool
- qPloneCaptchas - a simple captchas implementation for Plone, designed for validation of human input in insecure forms.
- qPloneComments - a product developed to improve moderation of comments in Plone.
- qPloneGoogleSitemaps
- qRSS2Syndication - a product designed by Quintagroup to generate RSS2 feeds in Plone sites. qRSS2Syndication includes support of audio and video feeds. qRSS2Syndication allows the syndication of ATAudio objects, mp3, wmv, ppt, jpg files using RSS 2.0 with enclosures.
- qTrackSpam
- txtfilter - a lightweight system for doing text filtration RSS Feed
- wicked - provides a site-wide type agnostic wiki linking and content creation as a drop-in replacement for the Archetypes TextField.
- ATContentTypes - a full and feature rich reimplementation of CMF's default content types with Archetypes. It contains all content types from CMFDefault, CMFTopic and CMFCalendar and a migration system to migrate to the new types.
- ATReferenceBrowserWidget - an add-on to Archtetypes. It adds a new reference widget that allows you to search or browse the portal when creating references.
- Archetypes - framework for the development of new Content Types in Zope/CMF/Plone. Schema driven automatic form generation, simple integration with rich content types.
- CMFActionIcons
- CMFCalendar
- CMFFormController - a framework for handling forms.
- CMFPlacefulWorkflow - A CMF/Plone product for locally changing the workflow of content types.
- CMFSin - a simple syndication client for CMF.
- CMFSquidTool - aims to be be the tool used by everyone that has a CMF/Plone site with a proxy frontend.
- CacheSetup
- GroupUserFolder - a convenient tool to manage groups of users within Zope and Plone.
- MimetypesRegistry
- PasswordResetTool - if a Plone site stores passwords encrypted (which is a good practice), it is not possible to use the "mail my password" feature to recover forgotten passwords: the user will be sent a big ugly string which will neither make sense nor work. Password Reset Tool changes this into a very secure "reset my password" facility.
- PloneFormMailer - Plone product for through the web (ttw) creation of forms and sending them formatted to one or more fixed recipients.
- PlonePAS - allows the use of the PluggableAuthService in Plone, with support for migration of some existing user folder setups.
- PortalTransforms
- ResourceRegistries - Registries for linked style sheet files and javascripts.
- SimpleBlog - an easy to use Plone based weblog application. It has no fancy blogger-api/backlink stuff etc. but it does supports categories. Writing entries is done from inside Plone. 2.0 alpha release make SimpleBlog work nicely with Plone 2.1.x
- kupu - 'document-centric' open source client-side WYSIWYG editor for Mozilla (1.7 or higher), Internet Explorer (5.5 or higher ), Firefox and Netscape. Inspired by Maik Jablonski's Epoz editor. New drawer interface (easier to select folders), anchor drawer, optional Kupu drawers for reference fields. Paragraph styles within tables and link checking.
- qSEOptimizer - is developed for search engine optimization (SEO).
Plone 2.1.1 Products:
- CMFContentPanels - cmf/plone portlets product. You can create a new content which is composed of other contents as configurable content panels.
- CMFSin - a simple syndication client for CMF.
- LinguaPlone - a tool to manage and maintain multilingual content that integrates seamlessly with Plone.
- PloneErrorReporting - replaces default_error_message and prefs_error_log_showEntry with pages that facilitate the submission of useful bug reports to Plone. It is designed with the goal of improving the information provided by bug reporters.
- PloneLanguageTool - allows you to set the available languages in your Plone site, select various fallback mechanisms, and control the use of flags for language selection and translations.
- PlonePopoll - Poll system for Plone
- SimpleBlog - an easy to use Plone based weblog application. It has no fancy blogger-api/backlink stuff etc. but it does supports categories.
- ZSyncer - a project that allows live zope objects to be synchronized from one Zope to another without doing the tedious export / transfer / import dance.
- qPingTool
- qPloneDropDownMenu - allows managing multilevel drop down menus in Plone. Drop down menu implemented by qPloneDropDownMenu Plone product is search engine friendly. You can easy change CSS in drop_down.css .
- qRSS2Syndication - a product designed by Quintagroup to generate RSS2 feeds in Plone sites. qRSS2Syndication includes support of audio and video feeds. qRSS2Syndication< allows the syndication of ATAudio objects, mp3, wmv, ppt, jpg files using RSS 2.0 with enclosures.
- qSEOptimizer -is developed for search engine optimization (SEO).
- ATContentTypes - is a full and feature rich reimplementation of CMF's default content types with Archetypes. It contains all content types from CMFDefault, CMFTopic and CMFCalendar and a migration system to migrate to the new types.
- ATReferenceBrowserWidget - an add-on to Archtetypes. It adds a new reference widget that allows you to search or browse the portal when creating references.
- Archetypes - Framework for the development of new Content Types in Zope/CMF/Plone. Schema driven automatic form generation, simple integration with rich content types.
- MimetypesRegistry
- PortalTransforms
- ResourceRegistries - Registries for linked style sheet files and javascripts.
- kupu - 'document-centric' open source client-side WYSIWYG editor for Mozilla (1.7 or higher), Internet Explorer (5.5 or higher ), Firefox and Netscape. Inspired by Maik Jablonski's Epoz editor. New drawer interface (easier to select folders), anchor drawer, optional Kupu drawers for reference fields. Paragraph styles within tables and link checking.
Plone 2.0.5 Products:
- Archetypes - Framework for the development of new Content Types in Zope/CMF/Plone. Schema driven automatic form generation, simple integration with rich content types.
- CMFForum - a Forum for CMF with file attachments.
- CMFPhoto - extremely useful Zope Product for representing a resizable image ( photo ) in a Plone or CMF based site. Like Zope's standard Image but smarter.
- CMFPhotoAlbum - useful Zope Product for managing photos and images in a Plone or CMF-based site. Depends on CMFPhoto.
- CMFSin - a simple syndication client for CMF.
- CMFUrlSkinSwitcher
- CPSSkins - a visual theme and skins editor for CMF, CPS and Plone. It is usefull for Plone skins development.
- CSSManager - allows you to edit basic values of your Plone CSS through the Plone interface.
- Epoz - a cross browser wysiwyg editor for Zope and Plone. Epoz allows you to edit Zope-objects with a wysiwyg-editor.
- I18NFolder - since I18NLayer does not support multilingual folders (yet), I18NFolder fills the gap by providing a way to translate simple folders
- I18NLayer - provides a transparent overlay above multiple content objects to provide multilanguage content support for existing document types.
- PloneArticle - a Plone content type to store elaborate content.
- PloneCalendar - a Plone conform Groupware Calendaring application extending the given features of time driven PLONE objects like events and news.
- PloneErrorReporting - replaces default_error_message and prefs_error_log_showEntry with pages that facilitate the submission of useful bug reports to Plone. It is designed with the goal of improving the information provided by bug reporters.
- PloneExtendedNavigation - allows users to manage a dynamic navigation slot from "manage navigation" template.
- PloneFormMailer - Plone product for through the web (ttw) creation of forms and sending them formatted to one or more fixed recipients.
- PloneGazette - a complete Newsletter Product for Plone.
- PloneIM - is an addon for Plone which allows instant messaging with an ICQ-like UI.
- PloneLanguageTool - allows you to set the available languages in your Plone site, select various fallback mechanisms, and control the use of flags for language selection and translations.
- PlonePopoll - Poll system for Plone
- PloneSiteMap - provides a site map feature for your Plone sites.
- SimpleBlog - an easy to use Plone based weblog application. It has no fancy blogger-api/backlink stuff etc. but it does supports categories.
- TTWType - a product for defining new CMF types via the ZMI
- ZWiki - flexible and easy-to-use wiki engine based on the Zope framework.
- qSEOptimizer - is developed for search engine optimization (SEO).
- CMFBoard - the most popular Plone forum product
- PortalTransforms
Plone Hosting Instance Package
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