jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile is simple and lightweight web framework used for smartphone and tablet application development. Quintagroup works with basic web languages like HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript, as well as various other frameworks.

jQuery Mobile

Mobile web frameworks are evolving and will proceed to embrace the capabilities of all the variety of mobile devices. Quintagroup works with basic web languages like HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript, as well as various other frameworks.
jQuery Mobile is simple and lightweight web framework used for smartphone and tablet application development. It is touch-optimized. This means that the framework transforms HTML into touch friendly elements, which will simplify the content input process.
Main benefits of jQuery mobile:

  • сompatible with all major mobile platforms and all major browsers;
  • automatically scales to any screen size;
  • quick and has limited dependencies;
  • good plugin tools support;
  • theming framework (Theme Roller and Codiqa UI builder) allows creation of custom themes;
  • HTML5-driven configuration for page layout;
  • compatible with other mobile app frameworks such as PhoneGap, Worklight and more;
  • bases in browser and has fixed toolbars;
  • can use CSS to change any existing widget or create new one.

Quintagroup provides mobile app development services. To improve functionality and design, to cut time and cost, our developers use different web frameworks. Contact us to receive assistance and advice in building your own mobile application.

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