
qSiloBreadcrumbs Product - allows to set silo titles for breadcrumbs items, different from object titles. Such kind of breadcrumbing is sometimes preferable for SEO purposes.

qSiloBreadcrumbs allows to set silo titles for breadcrumbs items, different from object titles. Such kind of breadcrumbing is sometimes preferable for SEO purposes.

qSilobreadcrumbs product sets titles for breadcrumbs items on the basis of silo_items, that are changed via SiloNavigation tab. Thus, this task can be accomplished only with the help of qSiloGroup product. And breadcrumbs titles are the same as navigation titles.


It is enough just to put it into the Products folder. No need to install it install it with quickinstaller.


Plone 2.1


ZPL licence


Taras Melnychuk


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