Collective.easyform enables creation of custom forms using dexterity. This Plone package is similar to Products.PloneFormGen that is based on Archetypes. Dexterity is a new platform for content types in Plone and will be used instead of Archetypes in Plone 5. Easyform provides a Plone form builder through-the-web using fields, widgets, actions and validators.
Collective.easyform uses:
- plone 4.3.2
- plone.dexterity >=2.2.0 (because there is function ‘export/import dexterity content type’)
- plone.schemaeditor >=1.3.4

- File Upload
- Text line (String)
- Integer
- Yes/No
- Date
- Date/Time
- Floating-point number
- Choice
- Rich Text
- Image
- Multiple Choice
- Text
- Password
- Get latest development version from Code Repository
- Read Documentation or Wiki
- Submit tickets to Issue tracker
Check out our video tutorial on collective.easyform