Meet your goals
We compare your design proposal with the goals your new website should meet. We will give you hints on how to modify your original idea to suit your interests. Of course you can always override our advice. But in any case it is helpful to have a professional opinion. We are here to help, as we care about your success.
Optimize for usability
Your site will be easy to use. When creating website prototype we lay our main focus on usability. As the project matures we employ usability as a "reality check". Final product should pass usability testing conducted by yourself or by a third party without trouble.
Optimize for mobile devices
We provide complete mobile web solutions, helping extend website's functionality to all mobile and handheld devices. You can have a separate mobile version of your website or make it responsive. And with the worldwide shift to mobile web it's becoming crucial to make your website mobile-friendly.
Optimize for speed
All projects are tested for response speed. Vast majority of Internet users still connect with dial-up modems. Broadband is slow to arrive. All pages of your project will be tested to render as fast as possible.
Optimize for compatibility
Each project is tested with current browsers and operating systems. We do not hide incompetence under "optimized for MSIE 7.0" slogan. People run various browsers to access your site. User experience must not be degraded because of the browser they use. Our projects display well with MS Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Konqueror, and Mozilla browsers.
Test thoroughly
You will be involved in the testing process. You will test each stage of the project and see for yourself whether the stage goals were met. We will do the testing on our own in parallel, but your participation is crucial.
Content Management Tools
We have extensive experience in the area of content management systems and dynamic database-backed websites. Content management system gives you the power to make updates online while providing the comfort of knowing that your clients are viewing the most up-to-date information. Here is an example of Epoz, a very easy to use web content management tool.