Business4 Plone Theme Customization in Plone 3

This tutorial was written to help you with Business4 Plone Theme customization. Here you will find explanations how to change theme logo and colour scheme as well as top images.

The following tutorial covers customization of Business4 Plone Theme on a Plone 3 website.

This Plone tutorial consists of five parts, in which you will find explanations about how to customize Business4 Plone Theme to your needs: change site's logo, colour scheme, and images. Use navigation on the right to navigate through all tutorial sections.

Front page of a Plone site with Quintagroup's Plone Business4 Theme installed will approximately have the following look with an image /305x76 pixels size/ on the top left area.


The theme has site headings, search box, breadcrumbs and top picture selected in a similar color scheme.

Theme Color Schemes

You can find draft representation of all color/picture schemes used in the folders 1-4 within the theme. Here they are:

A. Default Scheme


B. Folder 1


C. Folder 2


D. Folder 3


E. Folder 4


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