Part 5. How to Change Brio diazo theme footer

The following tutorial covers changing of diazo Brio Theme footer on a Plone 4.1-4.3 website.

The following tutorial covers changing of diazo Brio Theme footer on a Plone 4.1-4.3 website.

Overall, Brio diazo Plone  footer can be  subdivided into two parts: standard Plone footer(1) and so-called colophon with the theme credits (2).


To edit footer - access Zope Management Interface, and open portal_view_customizations:


Find plone.footer among long list of available items:


Press Customize to enable current footer editing and edit footer text. Do not forget to save changes when you finish.

To hide theme credits and Plone colophon (2) you will need to add a special class to your ploneCustom.css.

#portal-colophon {
display: none;

Read our tutorial on how to customize CSS stylesheets in Plone.

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