Brio Plone 4 Theme Customization Tutorial

This Plone tutorial will teach you how to customize Brio Plone Theme on Plone 4 site. Here you will find information about how to replace theme company logo, how to fill top areas with new content, how to change the width of columns, etc.

The following tutorial covers customization of Brio Plone Theme on a Plone 4 website.

The tutorial consists of six parts, in which you will find explanations about how to customize Brio Plone 4 Theme to your needs. Use the navigation on the right to navigate through all tutorial sections.

Brio Plone Theme on a Plone 4 site can have the following look, where:

Brio Plone Theme

  1. Default Brio Plone theme logo that may be replaced with yours
  2. Top area portlets on a default background images
  3. Below content portlets
  4. Footer portlets: 4 portlets in a row
  5. Search Box moved to the navigation portlet (more convenient way of navigation)

Theme Customization

Brio Plone Theme can be customized via Zope Management Interface (ZMI). To access it - first login the site as administrator, then open 'admin' menu and select Site Setup:


Navigate to Zope Management Interface:


Open portal_skins catalogue to find brio_plone_theme folder. This is a folder in which most theme customization will take place.


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