Part 4. How to Edit Slogan & Telephone Number

This tutorial covers customization of diazo Estate Plone Theme slogan and telephone number on a Plone 4.2 website.

This tutorial covers customization of diazo Estate Plone Theme slogan and telephone number on a Plone 4.2 website.

Estate Diazo Plone Theme has a slogan box and telephone number on its home page, filled with demo text content. Telephone number has different look for front page:


and theme's inner pages:


Site slogan, its description and telephone number can be modified via Site Setup -> Diazo Theme in Advanced Settings tab.

Note: For Diazo Support extension starting with 1.1b1 version, proceed to Site Setup ->Theming -> Advanced Settings tab.

In Parameter expressions textarea change the values in :

  • intro_title - to change the theme slogan title 'ARE YOU LOOKING FOR'
  • intro_desc - to change the theme slogan description 'Real estate credits and financing? Qualified agents to help you buy, sell, or rent a house?',
  • telephone - to change the theme telephone '1-800-555-0123'

If the parameter has no value,  it  will not be displayed on the website.


Save changes and return to the home page to see your changes applied.

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