Part 5. How to Change Plone 4 BrendA Theme Colors

Tutorial about setting different colors to be displayed on BrendA Plone Skin's top breadcrumbs area, main content area and site footer in Plone 4.

The following tutorial covers customization of BrendA Plone Theme colors on a Plone 4.0 website. See instructions for other theme versions in Diazo BrendA theme colors customization in Plone 4.1 and Color Scheme Customization in Plone 3 tutorials.

BrendA Plone Theme has different colours displayed on site's top breadcrumbs area, main content area & left column portlet headings, inner page header and footer. You can easily change them to make the theme look in a different way.


To change BrendA Theme colors go to brenda_styles folder in ZMI and open the containing base_properties document, that includes information about Plone's color, logo and border defaults:


To make any changes to BrendA skin - press Customize button.


In the opened window set new values for:

  • breadcrumbsBG value - to change skin top yellow color (e.g. let's make it green)
  • secondaryColor value - to change:
    • footer background color
    • inner page header color (e.g. let's make it black)
  • contentBackgroundColor value - to change:
    • content area background color
    • first porltet column portlet headings background color (e.g. let's make it yellow)

Here is what we got:



How to set color for a folder

You can change the look of a subsection, not influencing the skin general look. To do this - go to the folder you want to set colours for and switch to Set Style tab.


Provide BackgroundColor (footer and page header colour - e.g. green) and Background Content Color (content area background & first porltet column portlet headings background color - e.g. violet), and Color Link (colour of linked items - e.g. red) values and save changes.


Now this folder will have different colours than the rest site.


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