Part 3. Change Business4 Diazo Theme Top Images

Learn how to replace default top images for Business4 diazo theme in Plone 4.2.

Learn how to replace default top images for Business4 diazo theme in Plone 4.2.

Business4 diazo theme includes two customizable top images.  Left image size is: 306*76px, right image dimensions are: 447*300px.


Different top images can be used on different site sections. To replace default images - add Image to the desirable location (if added to the site root - image will be displayed everywhere on site, if added to certain folder - image will be displayed in this section only).

Let's add new top image for the whole site. For this we add new image to the site root. New top image shortname/id should be topimage (make sure image shortname is correct, otherwise image will not be shown on the top area). Save it and see site's top area changed.


You can upload wider image to cover the whole top are . Note: top image can cover the whole header area, the wider image you add - the more space it will cover.


You can also upload 2 top images: left and right. Right image will be displayed on top of the left image. To add right image - add image with topimageright shortname. It's optimal width is 447px.


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