Part 1. How to Replace Brio Skin Logo in Plone 3

Tutorial about replacing default Brio Plone Theme company logo with a new one.

The following tutorial covers changing of Brio Theme logo on a Plone 3 website.

Company logo of Brio Plone Theme is displayed at the top left blue area:


You can replace this Brio Skin logo with yours in two ways: via ZMI and via file system.

1. Zope Management Interface

In ZMI open portal_skins -> qBrio:


That contains logoBrio.gif image:


This is a default Brio Plone Skin logo image. To set your own logo press Customize button:


Press Browse button to select the your own logo. Click Upload:


Now you see your new logoBrio.gif image, and it is automatically put into custom folder:


Now when you return to Plone interface, you'll see new logo image (Quintagroup logo):


For the subsequent logo replacements go directly to ZMI portal_skins/custom/logoBrio.gif and upload new logo image here.

2. File System

qBrio folder contains logoBrio.gif image. Replace this image with your company logo. Note: new logo id should be logoBrio.gif as well.


Now restart server so that changes are applied. After you get back to Plone interface you will see your new logo on the blue top left area of the site.

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