Plone Tabs Screencast

Screencast about Plone Tabs product for managing portal tabs, site & user action, folder & object buttons within Plone interface without the need to go to ZMI.

Screencast about Plone Tabs product for managing portal tabs, site & user action, folder & object buttons within Plone interface without the need to go to ZMI. This screencast aims to teach you how to use Plone Tabs product on your Plone web-site. The following screencast covers the following topics:

  • quintagroup.plonetabs installation on buildout-based instance
  • how to create new tabs
  • how to edit, rename and delete tabs
  • how to chage tabs order

Versions of products used in the screencast: Plone 3.2.2, quintagroup.plonetabs 0.5 alpha.

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