Tornado, Python-based web server

Tornado is an open source web server built on top of, a powerful Python web framework.

Tornado is an open source web server built on top of, a powerful Python web framework. It is available under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0.

TornadoTornado was released in 2009 as one of Facebook's open source technologies, used on FriendFeed. While Tornado is similar to existing Python web applications, being scalable and non-blocking gives it an edge over others in terms of speed. With epoll and kqueue, it can quickly process thousands of simultaneous connections.

The core features of Tonado include:

  • Built-in support for user authentication
  • Real-time services
  • High performance
  • Python-based web templating language
  • Non-blocking HTTP client
  • Implementation of third party authentication and authorization schemes (Google OpenID/OAuth, Facebook Platform, Yahoo BBAuth, FriendFeed OpenID/OAuth, Twitter OAuth)
  • Localization/translation support
  • Amazon S3 integration

You may find out more about the product by visiting its official website:

Real-time updates have become an important aspect of today’s Web and Tornado is perfect for providing real-time web services. We, at Quintagroup offer you a range of services, catered towards deploying open source frameworks for Python, including Tornado. Please feel free to contact us at anytime to request a quote and learn more about our Python development services.

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