Meteor js changes the way of building single page web apps

Meteor js is a fully reactive and real-time Javascript framework that allows building of sophisticated and dynamic web applications.

Meteor jsMeteor js is a web development platform based on Node.js. This JavaScript framework gives means to build sophisticated and dynamic web applications. Meteor supports static assets, HTML and CSS rules. The process of their packaging and transferring is automated, while their structure is quite flexible.

Almost every popular JavaScript framework is assembled in one place. The resulting platform allows creating apps as easy as never before. Moreover, Meteor runs both on the server and the client, this two parts share the same database API, thus can be controlled by a single code base. Smooth server-client communication makes Meteor-based apps extremely quick.
The main advantages are:

  • reactivity;
  • real-time and event driven behaviour;
  • responsiveness.

Meteor js in web development

Meteor js is written in pure JavaScript, so instead of learning new language, it is possible to work with Meteor using existing JavaScript knowledge. Meteor js supports any templating language and templates automatically update with changes in database. Libraries can be downloaded and apps can be compiled by one command line.

Meteor data source has feature of reactivity. That means that with system data changes, all other components used in the app update in real time. This is an example of reactive programming concept, where code written in imperative style will automatically influence data that depends on it.

Requests from users are managed in similar way. Latency compensation feature enables immediate screen update after user made a change. In this case Meteor-based app doesn’t need to wait for the database update and users won’t need to reload the page in order to see their changes.

Latency compensation and reactivity don’t interfere with application updating. Whenever new version of an app is ready, new code can be neatly put into the desired browser frame. Additionally, Meteor is highly extendable and can be connected to a wide range of native mobile apps and legacy databases.

Meteor js with Quintagroup

Searching for a way to make your website more dynamic and less boilerplate? Visit Meteor.js website for more information or contact Quintagroup and receive fast and efficient solution for your project.

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