Data exploration and visualization with Caravel

Caravel is Python-based open-source platform for data exploration, discovery, and collaborative analytics. This platform is interactive and intuitive, easily processes and visualizes data.

Caravel Python platformCaravel is an open source data exploration and visualization Python tool developed at Airbnb. This platform is interactive and intuitive, easily processes and visualizes data.

Caravel's features

Caravel comes with a big number of visualizations for data analysis. Apart from basic charts, this platform offers parallel coordinates, world map, force directed layouts, sunburst, pivot table, heatmap, word cloud and many more. There is also a flexible way to extend default set of visualizations. Users can assemble them into interactive dashboards - collections of visualizations that can be used to quickly visualize datasets and share results.

Caravel is written in Python and query layer uses SQLAlchemy for broad database support, since this Python SQL toolkit assists with translating queries into a wide range of SQL dialects. Caravel is integrated with Druid that gives power and speed to analytic apps while working with large datasets. Druid is an open source column-oriented, distributed data store tool for real-time data ingestion, flexible data exploration and aggregation. The combination of SQLAlchemy and Druid eliminates delays and speeds up analysis cycles. There are other means that accelerate loading of heavy databases, such as flexible data caching and cascading timeout parameters.

The platform’s security model allows granular control over role and permissions management - administrators can supervise access to separate features and datasets. Also Caravel has support for widely used authentication providers, including LDAP, OpenID, OAuth, REMOTE_USER, etc.

Caravel contains a thin semantic layer that provides control over datasets display in the user interface. Such layer contains calculated fields, metrics and SQL expressions; descriptions, definitions, and verbose names for functions and dimensions. Semantic layer helps to define fields, aggregations, functions, context, and enriched metadata accessible to users.

Caravel's performance

Caravel is Python-based platform for data exploration, discovery, and collaborative analytics. It is suitable for both new (less technical) and apecialized users. It is easy to access and query data due to intuitive interface, rich visualizations, and codeless approach to data navigation. Advanced users will appreciate multi-dimensional data spaces, high query speed and convenient content sharing.

Caravel's skin can be customized by Bootstrap or custom CSS templates. Support of Druid querying and connectivity to a lot of SQL compatible databases facilitate quick real-time analytics. If you want more information visit Caravel website.

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