Plone Products

Documentation about available online Plone products resources and installation instructions.

Plone product is a bundle of functionality, written in Python, that plugs into your Plone site. There are Plone products available that provide everything from bug collectors to discussion forums and full-blown e-commerce applications. Since product is just a chunk of Python code, the complexity or simplicity of a product is up to its author. In the common case, a product registers its own layers in a skin, offering the same ease of customization as Plone itself.

Plone Add-on Products Catalogue

  • See the oldest Plone Products categorized database on website, that includes a list of ready to use products, modules and plugins for Zope and Plone.
  • See a catalogue of add-on Plone products on Plone official website in the Downloads section.
  • See Add-on Plone Products, developed by Quintagroup team in Plone Products section.

Plone Products Installation

Installing a Plone product used to be as easy as dropping it into the Products directory in your Plone installation and going to the part of the Plone UI that allows you to install and remove products. With new standards for packaging, distributing and installing add-on Products for Plone, introduced with Plone 3, installation can be made even easier and simpler than it used to be before.

Since new techniques are still being adopted my members of Plone community, they can not be used for all Plone add-on Products installation. Different products require different approaches to installation in different Plone versions.

See detailed instructions on Plone products installation in the following tutorials:

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