Biometrical Odoo

You can leave your card at home, but you will never leave your finger! Upgrade your attendance system and reduce the stress level of your employees with a biometric system of entrance developed by Quintagroup!


The project of biometric employee attendance tracking was born with our own urge for upgrading office access control. Wishing to get rid of a tedious method of tracking the working hours of our employees, Quintagroup has created a solution for an easy and secure method of tracking attendance. we used access cards as a mean for access control. But the card-reading tool wasn’t able to provide any attendance information.

To solve the issue we considered several out-of-the-box solutions that stored attendance data but they usually just imported these data in Excel and didn’t offer any user-friendly statistics. As a result, we decided to implement our own IoT solution by customizing a fingerprint reader and the ERP system Odoo (former OpenERP).


First of all, we decided to use fingerprints instead of cards as access means, since they are far more secure, confirm the person’s identity, can’t be forgotten like a pin-code, or forged like an access card. We used an innovative biometric fingerprint reader for access control application ZKTeco F18. It features high-performance firmware functions, user-friendly UI, and flexible user privilege settings for multi-level management.

We have chosen Odoo as the HRMIS system because it provides wide capabilities for staff management of any scale, including management of attendance and leaves, corporate social network, performance evaluations, recruitment, etc.

odoo case

ZKTeco and Odoo have different databases that store attendance and access information independently. ZKTeco stores user data and Odoo stores employee data. These are two different entities that need to be associated and synchronized. So we wrote a cron task for Odoo that automatically retrieves updated information from ZKTeco every 10 minutes.

Data from ZKTeco can be synchronized via the Odoo web interface. It is usually needed in two cases: after a new employee is registered and if there is a need to associate the corresponding ZKTeco user; after an employee quits the company and their profile has to be deleted both from ZKTeco and Odoo database.

The benefits of our biometric system are numerous:

  • The presence of every employee can be checked by visiting the Odoo system.
  • The system creates logs, timesheets, statistics, and customizable detailed reports on staff attendance.
  • The possibility of additional use of other Odoo/OpenERP modules and the development of your own Python- and JavaScript-based applications.

We architectured Time Attendance and Access Control solution using a Fingerprint recognition system integrated with HRMIS Odoo system and fulfilled our goal to automate attendance tracking and enhance access control with secure fingerprint recognition.

We can say without a shred of doubt that the biometrical Odoo case has surpassed all our expectations. This secure IoT product made the process of checking the presence of employees in the office as simple and optimized as possible. Cooperate with Quintagroup and get an innovative digital product that is tailored for your specific needs and meets your vision of a smart, fast, and efficient top-tier solution.

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