With the new version features, front-end developers are expected to boost their productivity and become more efficient with their projects and work in general. Evan You has announced that upgraded version will be faster, smaller, more maintainable, native-friendly and, all of that will make your life easier.
Vue 3 Performance Speed
Vue 2 has already won the hearts of hundreds and thousands of developers. However, with the announcement of a new version release and features, it’s going to have everyone waiting for Vue 3 brilliant performance and exceptional writability. Let’s stop here and see how Vue 3 is going to work faster.
Vue.js, as a framework, stands out among others for its speed. A new version promises to be even faster due to the Virtual DOM rewritten from scratch. This part has overcome quite a big number of changes. Having learnt some micro-optimization tricks from other solutions, the Vue team has developed the Virtual DOM that almost doubles the speed of mounting and patching scenarios. It also aims at providing more compile-time hints and reducing run-time overhead.
The Slots Generation mechanism is to be optimized as well. A lot of developers who deal with components and slots know that it has to re-render. Basically, when a parent component re-renders, a child component has to do the same to make sure that the parent has passed an updated content to it. In Vue 3, the generation of these slots will go as a function, which means that view component will keep track of their own dependencies. All in all, under Optimized Slot Generation, we mean that parent and child are separated with their sets of dependencies. If the content changes, only child will re-render, and in case some other changes occur, the parent will be responsible for that.
Static Tree Hoisting is worth mentioning here too. This feature isn’t new to Vue, but the one you’ve already come across. The matter of the crux lying behind this function is that the compiler detects static parts in the code, so you don't have to constantly create the same objects. Static Props Hoisting allows to skip properties and attributes of elements that are static and proceed to patching the children.
Another feature is Proxy-based Observation mechanism. Vue team decides to use an opportunity and with the help of ES2015 Proxies to re-implement the mechanism. By means of it, they achieve proxy-based observation mechanism with full language coverage and improved performance:
- Addition and deletion of properties;
- Array index mutation / length mutation;
- Support of Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet;
- Availability of using classes;
- Up to 100% faster component instance initialization;
Smaller Vue 3
One of the distinguishing features of Vue.x framework is its size. In Vue 3, the codebase is developed from scratch and promises to be tree-shaking friendly. We expect to see Vue 3 in <10 kb size, which is to be achieved by elimination of those libraries that you don’t use, for example, built-in components such as keep-alive, transition, etc.
More Maintainable
Evan wants to make sure that Vue will live as long as possible. Therefore, the first thing Vue team is going to do is to migrate Vue from Flow to Typescript. And the reason for that is pretty obvious. Nowadays, the Typescript community is growing bigger and, what concerns user consumption, more popular.
Easier to Target Native
Custom Renderer API will be implemented into new runtime. More than that, the platform is planned to be agnostic, so developers can easily operate it with any other technologies (iOS, Android, Web).
With all the mentioned innovations below, Vue 3 is going to make the lives of all the front-end developers easier. Some experiments are also planned to happen with the new version. We typically use Mixins to distribute functionality between Vue components. Evan You decides to experiment with Hooks API by implementing it into a new version of Vuejs. It should get rid of a number of gotchas occurring with Mixins and, according to Evan, it shows better compatibility with the code.
One of the pain points of JavaScript is that it is quite time-consuming. Despite the fact, that Vue is a pretty fast framework, there happen some cases that slow it down. If it has a huge number of components that try to re-render, a user may face some difficulties when browsing. With Time Slicing Support, a browser is responsive, because the execution is to be conducted every 16-17 milliseconds. This enables user’s inputs to come into the browser as well as allows us to proceed with our work.
With all that in mind, you may be wondering how Vue 2.x code will look like in Vue 3. However, if you are here, there is no need to worry about upgrading and migration.
Migration from Vue 2 to Vue 3
Everyone wants to keep up with the trends and latest technologies. What is meant here is migrating from Vue 2 to Vue 3. Replacing Website from Vue versions 2.0-2.6 can be painful if you are front-end newbie or have no idea how to work with Javascript.
Our developers make the best of their knowledge and skills in order to modernize your application as fast as possible. Among the main benefits of Vue 3 to take into account, when consider rewriting a web site or application, is its simple and explicit system. By simple, we mean that there is less code, fewer concepts to keep in head and fewer foot guns. Explicit, on the other hand, means that there is a clear relationship between components sharing data.
It is hard to deny the fact, that Vue 2.x has the easiest learning curve among all the existing frameworks. Imagine what Vue 3 version should be, then. If you are a professional, then it won’t take you too much time to modify your application. Even if so, you can make use of a migration guide, which, by the way, is not a piece of cake, as it’s quite a time-consuming task.
One of the best practices used widely among single-owners companies, small and big corporations, in terms of migration from Vue.2, is to turn to software companies for help. Quintgroup has more than 15 years of experience in developing solutions of various complexity levels. The solutions we deliver are secure and reliable. Our development team undertakes the rewriting of Vuejs from 2.x to Vue 3 focusing on the slightest details. So, if you want to secure your data and prevent it from possible leaks and losses in the future, you should definitely upgrade and change the version of your application to the latest one.
Simply fill out the form and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.