Instrulog A / S is one of the biggest companies in Denmark that operates in the field of electronic aids for the visually impaired - including software, hardware, and complete solutions. In addition, Instrulog also provides consulting services on how to use and employ its products.
Client Objectives
A seamless experience for mobile and tablet users, hence Responsive Plone Theme design and development
Subscription option
Accessible website for the blind and visually impaired
Quintagroup Solution
The website for Instrulog was delivered on time and satisfied all the client's requirements. Quintagroup designed and developed:
Responsive Plone Theme
After considerable planning and analysis, Quintagroup has developed the Instrulog theme for Plone 4.2.1, a fully responsive theme that adjusts its design, so the website will display beautifully and intuitively no matter what type of device it is browsed with.
Accessible website
One of the main goals was to design a website that would not only be responsive to the device the viewer is using, but also accessible to that viewer. Considering Instrulog’s unique business field, its website has been adapted, so that partially-sighted users can have equal access to information and functionality. The website has undergone a battery of tests to perform best with Jaws, a screen reader.
Newsletter Subscription
The next task was to develop a subscription portlet. After subscribing, the customer will receive newsletters through MailChimp.
E-commerce solution
One of the website sections was converted into the online shop: instrulog.dk/produkter. To simplify the acceptance of payment on the site GetPaid add-on for Plone was used. Also, it was customarily integrated with the popular internet payment gateway QuickPay. With one click of a button, the customer can add products to a cart. Customers can go directly to the cart and see each item there, its price, total sum and already counted tax. Customers can remove, update the cart or go directly to the buying procedure. After choosing the delivery and payment methods, both the customer and administrator will receive an email notification.
Interested in learning more?
Quintagroup is a seasoned provider of web solutions and can give expert advice to assist your business or organization online. Contact us today to learn more.