Change Navigation portlet settings

This tutorial will help you to customize Navigation portlet

Navigation portlet settings can be changed manually:

You can hide, show, delete portlet or choose portlets’ order

  • add /@@manage-portlets to the address of your website;
  • use options displayed near Navigation portlet;
  • use navigation arrows to change portlet position.

If you add /@@manage-portlets to specific address of your website page, the newly created portlet will be shown only on it.

Plone portlet settings

Return to the main menu

You can display only the contents of the current folder

  • add /@@manage-portlets to the address of your website;
  • click on the Navigation portlet;
  • tick ‘Only show the contents of the current folder’ checkbox on the Edit page.

Edit Plone navigation portlet

Return to the main menu

You can manage Navigation tree depth (TD), start level (SL) and root note

Let’s create, for an example, Folder 4 with such location settings: Home -> Folder 1 -> Folder 2 -> Folder 3 -> Folder 4.
To change Navigation portlet settings:

  • add /@@manage-portlets to the address of your website;
  • click on the Navigation portlet;

Edit Plone root node

If SL is ‘0’ then all higher  levels you are currently in will be displayed.

Plone portlet start level

If SL=1 (which are default settings) then main navigation tabs won’t be displayed. The higher number is the less levels will be shown.

Start level default

You can manage tree depth (TD) - the number of subfolders that will be displayed in Navigation portlet.

Plone portlet tree depth

TD=2. The higher number is the more level will be shown in the portlet.

Tree depth

You can choose any folder as a root for navigation and it will be displayed on all the pages.

Plone root node

Return to the main menu

You can remove certain folder from navigation portlet

  • click on the folder -> Edit;
  • pick Settings tab and tick 'Exclude from navigation box'.

Exclude from Plone navigation

Return to the main menu

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