SkyCream Theme Customization Tutorial

This Plone tutorial can teach you how to make changes in SkyCream Plone Theme. It includes detailed instructions on how to replace default logo and slogan, how to change images on home page and inner site sections, how to change columns width. Tutorial applies to Plone 4.1, Plone 4.0 and Plone 3.

This tutorial covers customization of SkyCream Plone Theme in different Plone versions.

SkyCream Theme comes with 2 content-sensitive images, changed column structure, customizable site logo and slogan. This Plone tutorial consists of several parts, in which you will find explanations about how to customize SkyCream Plone Theme to your needs.

The following screenshot demonstrates you a home page of a Plone 4.2 site with Quintagroup's SkyCream Theme installed.


Use navigation on the right to navigate through all tutorial sections.

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